As in the for-profit world, sometimes not-for-profits need to spend money to make money. This is particularly true when it comes to fundraisers. At the same time, it’s critical that you make a budget and stick to it. Estimate expenses for such items as facility rental, food and drinks and entertainment, and then scrutinize the list for what can be reduced or cut. You might be able to find a business sponsor to help defray costs. Just be careful. Don’t promise too much in sponsor benefits, such as free advertising. It could lead to unrelated business income tax problems. Contact us for more tips.
If you’re getting close to retirement age, you may be wondering if your Social Security benefits are going to be taxed. The answer depends...
Now that most schools are out for the summer, you might be sending your children to day camp. The good news: You might be...
Financial restatements were up in 2018. Though restatements have a negative stigma, the uptick may not necessarily signal an increase in mismanagement or a...