If you’re looking for new funding sources, consider cause marketing. Made possible via a partnership with a for-profit business, cause marketing can boost your budget, public profile and even your volunteer base. These alliances take many forms. Transactional giving programs typically involve online platforms that enable shoppers to donate a percentage of their purchases to charity. With message promotion, a company uses its own resources to promote a cause. And with licensing agreements, companies pay charities to use their name and branding on their products. Contact us and an attorney before you agree to a cause marketing initiative.
As teachers head back to school, they often pay expenses for which they don’t receive reimbursement. Fortunately, they may be able to deduct some...
Many not-for-profits increase their occupational theft risk by devoting too little of their budget to internal controls, placing excessive trust in staffers and volunteers...
You must report certain assets and liabilities (such as derivatives and intangibles acquired in a business combination) at fair value, rather than historic cost....